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- Same Difference
- by S.Goodwin
- Copyright 1996/7
- -- Abstract --
- This programs loads two ASCII text files and highlights the
- differences between them both. The two files are listed side by side,
- allowing them to be compared and editted, by replacing, insert or
- clearing sections of the text. It is very useful tool for updating
- source code files, or checking alterations in a letter.
- -- Copyright Notice --
- This software, and all its associated documents, is copyright 1996 by
- Steven Goodwin. The version provided here may be freely distributed as
- long as no files are edited or deleted, and the copyright notice
- contained herein is not modified.
- -- Basic Operation --
- Two files are given, and are compared. This comparison operation works
- by looking at the first two strings. If they are the same, the program
- moves onto the next pair. If different, it then searchs for the string
- that is identical to it. Assuming it exists, both lists are then
- padded with blank lines so the identical strings appear on identical
- lines. This makes it easier for humans to spot the differences.
- -- Operating --
- When the program is first run, the preferences appears...
- - Preferences -
- Each option pertains to the basic operation of Same Difference.
- Reading from the left:
- Scan Ahead Indicates the number of lines the program will read
- before continuing to another block. This is best left
- alone, unless you know how Same Difference works
- internally. Basically, use lower numbers if you have
- a lot of identical strings in your file.
- Ignore Blank This should be left on. This is helpful because (iwhen
- Lines selected) it allows the system to synchronise the
- files following differences. Without it, the files
- might not match for sometime.
- Case Sensitive When ticked, the strings 'Hello', and 'hello' will be
- different because the strings are compared exactely.
- When this is not selected, the case is completely
- ignored.
- Link Scrolls Moves scroll A, when you (the user) moves scroll B.
- And vice-versa.
- Include Termination String
- This just adds '< End Of File>' to the end. This is
- helpful because of the automatic padding that occurs
- you might see several blanks lines you do not
- recognise from your file.
- Buffer Size There are two requesters here,
- Lines The number of lines (after padding)
- Bytes Total data size.
- If the file is larger than either of these values,
- problems will occur. The 'after padding' comment is
- very important. If a file has a lot of changes, then
- you should increase the 'lines' value by up to double.
- There is very little memory overhead in doing this.
- Colours Indicates what colours are used to highlight the
- important bits of text.
- Save Saves the current settings into 's:'. Same Difference
- will use them upon the next load up.
- Use Utilise the settings for the current session, but it
- ignores them on following boot ups.
- Cancel Ignore any changes made.
- The last three buttons will all close the window. Upon startup,
- closure of this window will open another - the load window.
- - Load Requester -
- This window features two text requesters that accept the name of each
- file you wish to compare. To the right of these is a special button.
- This opens a file requester, that enters the selected file into the
- text box on its left.
- This window also holds a 'mask' entry box. This allows you to alter
- which files are visible in the file requester. By default, this shows
- you all the '.asc' files, but it can be altered to show the '.c',
- '.txt' or '.qppfjdhgf' files! This requester also supports
- combinations, such as '.c | .cpp' for files ending in *either* 'c' or
- 'cpp'. The not operator (~) is also supported, to exclude files (such
- as '~.info' to ignore all icon files). If the file requester shows no
- files, then either the directory is empty, or the mask is too
- restrictive. Use an empty to string to list all files.
- Hitting 'Compare' will then cause the software to start working,
- whilst 'Close' will exit the window.
- - The Main Screen -
- This shows two lists and a block of buttons. Each list shows the
- contents of one particular file, with the filename appearing above the
- list. Next to this name is a button marked 'Save'. This opens a file
- requester and saves the contents of that particular list to the
- filename given. The default name is as appears in the text requester
- on the main window.
- The list itself can be scrolled with the scroll bar, or the arrow
- buttons. When the gadget is released, the other scroll list will
- adjust itself to show the same portion of its list (assuming Link
- Scrolls is on, see Project Menu->Prefs). When you click on an item in
- the list the text appears in the requester underneath the scroll. This
- is now the 'selected' item, and is used to determine the actions of
- the operation buttons below the list.
- The buttons at the bottom of the screen refer to the operations.
- All operations affect the currently selected line, and the ones below
- it. You will also notice most buttons have a arrow (either '>' or '<')
- on it. This indicates the direction. For instance, 'Replace Line >'
- would replace the currently selected line into the list on the right.
- For a formal definition of the terms:
- Line - The currently selected line, and no more.
- Block - The currently selected line, and all those consecutively below
- it of the same type. That is, if the current line is hightlighted
- because it is different, a block would be this line, and each line
- below it that was different. As soon as a line is identical to the one
- in the other list (and the colour changes), the block ends.
- The terminology for the operations:
- Replace - Overright the contents in the other list with those
- selected. This will make both lines/blocks identical, and so will be
- re-coloured.
- Insert - Place the current line(s) before the opposing line(s) in the
- other list, and pad the current list to keep them the same size. For
- example:
- ... A ... A
- 1 B ---> 1 1
- 2 C 2 2
- 3 D ... (padding) B
- ... (padding) C
- 3 D
- ... denotes a blank line
- Append - Like insert, but adds the lines after the block.
- Clear - This operation does not affect the opposing list. It simply
- clears the line or block with empty strings. This in turn will
- normally make the strings in the opposite list change colour to
- indicate a difference.
- -- Menu Bar --
- Whilst using the main window, there is a menu bar available (upon
- pressing the right mouse button). This has the following options:
- Open Calls the load requester.
- Prefs Opens preferences.
- About Tells you about the version number..and the fact you haven't
- registered.
- Quit Exits the program.
- -- The Final Word --
- This program is shareware, you can use it for 30 days before paying
- for it. If, however, you want the source, or use it after this time
- then you must send me £5, and I'll return you a disc with all the
- source, the latest version, and any other utilities I've written that
- haven't been released yet.
- Now,
- Q. Where do I send my money?
- A. Steven Goodwin
- 105 St. Johns Road
- Clacton-on-Sea
- Essex CO16 8DB
- Q. What do I say?
- A. Try printing this off....
- (or copying the relevant bits if you're without a printer)
- o/_________________________ CUT HERE ________________________________
- O\
- Your Name:_______________
- Address :_______________
- _______________
- _______________
- _______________
- Hi Mr. Steven Goodwin,
- I would like to register my copy of Same Difference because
- a) I'm more interesting than a stick of celery.
- b) I'm funnier than a desert road from Vegas!
- c) I want to see you code AWE without using the AWE Shell.
- d) I need to debug your code !!!??!?!
- e) I have a tremendous guilt complex!
- f) All of the above (circle as appropriate)
- I enclose a cheque/postal order for £5 (which includes P&P) because
- I'm a kind hearted soul whos cares about the people who make my
- software.
- Thanks very much,
- Name ________________ (not completely necessary, but ties up the
- letter nicely)
- o/_________________________ CUT HERE ________________________________
- O\
- That's all folks!!!! See you on the next release...